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New Towns Development Authority

ntda-logoREDi has been appointed by the New Towns Development Authority (NTDA) of Nigeria to build and manage its web presence and integrated scheme layouts.

The New Towns Development Authority (NTDA) is a Lagos State government agency which provides residential and commercial infrastructure planning to the Lagos State Government. The Authority and Lagos State Government at large are working tirelessly towards ensuring that proper infrastructure is put in place in all of their schemes so that the people of Lagos State receive value for their money and live in comfortable and safe environments. The NTDA strives to be the leader in developing sustainable communities in Africa.

REDi has successfully built an online interface allowing the Nigerian population easy access to housing scheme layouts offered by the New Towns Development Authority via their revised web presence.

With the reduced cost of internet connectivity throughout Africa the timing could not be better as we assist in bringing the West Africa housing market into the 21st century.

Utilising the REDi Interactive Sales Map driven by SiMS (Sales Information Management system) we have provided an invaluable way for the NTDA to both offer scheme information to the public and capture lead interest in the available schemes.